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I am developing a File Provider Extension on Mac. I am confused about how the extendedAttributes property works. The property never seems to be populated with any extended attributes. I've tried setting some custom extended attributes on my documents in testing, but they are never populated in the itemTemplates that are produced in the extension. The dictionary that would hold the extended attributes always is empty. I began to think that it only supported Mac-created attributes such as I then tried importing some files that are 'quarantined' with this appropriate extended attribute but still have not seen this data appear in my extension either. Any clarity here with what I should be expecting or what I should try would be helpful.
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Dear all, I'm building an app leveraging SwiftData and I have the following two classes: Stagione: import SwiftData @Model class Stagione { @Attribute(.unique) var idStagione: String var categoriaStagione: String var miaSquadra: String @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade) var rosa: [Rosa]? @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade) var squadra: [Squadre]? @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade) var partita: [CalendarioPartite]? init(idStagione: String, categoriaStagione: String, miaSquadra: String) { self.idStagione = idStagione self.categoriaStagione = categoriaStagione self.miaSquadra = miaSquadra } } Squadre: import SwiftData @Model class Squadre { var squadraCampionato: String var stagione: Stagione? init(squadraCampionato: String) { self.squadraCampionato = squadraCampionato } } Now, I have a view in which I'm calling a sheet to insert some Squadre: // Presenta il foglio per aggiungere una nuova partita GroupBox(label: Text("Dettagli Partita").font(.headline).padding()) { VStack { HStack { Text("Giornata:") TextField("Giornata", text: $idGiornata) .frame(width: 30) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding() } DatePicker("Data Partita:", selection: $dataPartita, displayedComponents: .date) .padding() HStack { Text("Squadra Casa:") .frame(width: 150) TextField("Squadra Casa", text: $squadraCasa) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding() TextField("Gol Casa", text: $golCasa) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding() } HStack { Text("Squadra Trasferta:") .frame(width: 150) TextField("Squadra Trasferta", text: $squadraTrasferta) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding() TextField("Gol Trasferta", text: $golTrasferta) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding() } HStack { Button("Salva") { if let partitaSelezionata = partitaSelezionata { // Se è stata selezionata una partita, aggiorna i suoi dati if let index = partite.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) { partite[index].idGiornata = Int(idGiornata) ?? 0 partite[index].dataPartita = dataPartita partite[index].squadraCasa = squadraCasa partite[index].golCasa = Int(golCasa) ?? 0 partite[index].squadraTrasferta = squadraTrasferta partite[index].golTrasferta = Int(golTrasferta) ?? 0 } } else { // Altrimenti, aggiungi una nuova partita aggiungiPartita(stagione: stagione) } // Chiudi il foglio di presentazione mostraAggiungiPartita = false // Resetta il campo di input idGiornata = "" dataPartita = Date() squadraCasa = "" golCasa = "" squadraTrasferta = "" golTrasferta = "" } .buttonStyle(.borderedProminent) .disabled(idGiornata.isEmpty || squadraCasa.isEmpty || squadraTrasferta.isEmpty || golCasa.isEmpty || golTrasferta.isEmpty) // Bottone Chiudi Button("Chiudi") { mostraAggiungiPartita = false } .buttonStyle(.borderedProminent) } } .padding() } } I'd like to insert a autocomplete function in the textfields "Squadra Casa" and "Squadra Trasferta", based on the list of Squadre contained in the class "Squadre" and filtered for a specific Stagione. Has anybody of you made something similar? Do you have any suggestions or code example which I can use? Thanks, A.
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I just bought a Vision Pro to build and run my app on it, but I'm encountering this error from Xcode: Developer Mode is enabled. Computer is paired. Device is paired, and it's connected to my Mac via the Developer Strap. In the "VPN & Device Management" setting it says to navigate to, there is no "Developer App certificate". Others have suggested clearing the ModuleCache in DerivedData, but that's also been fruitless. I've cleaned the build multiple times, and restarted both devices, and Xcode. I have no idea what else I can possibly do to resolve this. Does anyone have any other ideas?
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Hello. How to write this command correctly on a Macbook, in the script editor, so that I can click the "Run script" button and the script will give the result: if there is no folder, then report that there is no folder, if there is a folder, then report that the folder exists. do shell script "test -d 'Users/user/Desktop/New folder'" Now, if the folder exists, an empty string ("") is returned, if the folder does not exist, the script editor reports that an error has occurred. In general, my task is to write a script that checks the existence of a folder.
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Users have reported unusually high data usage with my app. So to investigate I have profiled in instruments. My app as expected in using minimal data. However in instruments I see an "Unknown" process. Which sends around 1mb of data every 2 seconds. Can anyone explain what unknown process is? Sorry my question is vague but I'm at the beginning of understanding the instruments outputs so your help is so very much appreciated.
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Some Macs recently received a macOS system update which disabled the simulator runtimes used by Xcode 15, including the simulators for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and visionOS. If your Mac received this update, you will receive the following error message and will be unable to use the simulator: The simulator runtime is not available. Domain: Code: 401 Failure Reason: runtime profile not found using "System" match policy Recovery Suggestion: Download the simulator runtime from the Xcode To resume using the simulator, please reboot your Mac. After rebooting, check Xcode Preferences → Platforms to ensure that the simulator runtime you would like to use is still installed. If it is missing, use the Get button to download it again. The Xcode 15.3 Release Notes are also updated with this information.
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There is some new UI in Xcode for upgrading OS versions. I clicked the new Get button at the top of the screen. It went and got the new iOS 17.4. Great, but it is just sitting there. After much floundering around, I eventually found the UI that has the Install button. Clicked it. Nothing happens. I have restarted Xcode several times, went looking for an Xcode update, no joy. My development is now dead for two days. Really not happy.
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I keep receiving this message : Your payment authorisation failed on card •••8090. Please verify your information and try again, or try another payment method. The problem is that i went already through with my bank and they confirmed nothing is wrong with my bank account they even checked with the Visa team and they confirmed nothing wrong. The bank adviser informed me that no payment was even attempted. I went through the phone with Apple customer support and she couldn't find anything wrong either we tried to pay from my iphone then from my Macbook but i keep getting this error As i have 3 different bank accounts i have tried to pay with 3 different visa debit cards but i get the same error so i believe its not the bank but Apple. Anyone in the same boat ?
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I've been using the App Store Analytics API for a few weeks now with no problem, but yesterday I started to get no data from the ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT. It's simply returning empty, although we haven't changed anything on the code (already checked 100 times). Anyone here with the same problem?
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If I annotate a class with @Observable I get this error in @Query: Expansion of macro 'Query()' produced an unexpected 'init' accessor If I remove @Observable the error goes away. Elsewhere I have .environment referencing the class. With @Observable this complains that the class needs to be @Observable. I am mystified. Does anyone have a suggestion?
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I'm trying to download artifacts from some recent Xcode Cloud builds. In both Xcode and App Store Connect I'm getting errors. Xcode says: "Error Fetching Test Results: API Invalid status code: 501. App Store Connect says: "artifacts could not be found." FB13773789 - Xcode Cloud: Service returning 501 in Xcode when trying to view artifacts of successful build from minutes ago I have tried several projects to rule out project specific issues and it is happening to all of my Xcode Cloud enabled projects. Both Xcode 15.3 and 15.4 beta exhibit this behavior. Is anyone else running into this issue? I noticed it yesterday, and it continues into this morning.
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Hi,for the past 2 days i ve been going crazy over this problem i am having with my mackbook air, i recntly got a 2019 13 inch model and i basically factory reset it wyping the disk and reinstalling os,it booted in mac os mohave 10.14.6 and ive been trying evr since to update it to sonoma but each time the download is doneand it says the mac is about to reboot to install it screen may turn off up to a min it does not ,it just goes black for a second and then boots back into mojave without even a failed to install promt,it just acts like nothing happened and then ask to install it again. At this point i ve checke for evrything, i dont have antivirus or storage problems since essentially it s a blank mackbook without any apps ,i tried to install a combo update after realising that i have a security update for 10.14.6 that does almost the same thing but this time i do get a promt that an error occured and it sends me to disk startup to boot it again but it didnt work,i tried updating to a previous version like big sur hoping it was too big of a leap and that even tho evrywere i checked it said its compatible maybe it was not but nope exact same thing as sonoma i cnt boot it from a usb cuz i only have usb c ports(idiotic design from apple) i dont know what else to do it seems like no one had on the entire the same prob so i am here after the 12 th try hoping somebody has a fix.
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Regardless of the installation version combinations of tensorflow & metal (2.14, 2.15, 2.16), I find a metal/non-metal incompatibility for some layer types. For the GRU layer, for example, metal-trained weights (model.save_weights()/load_weights()) are not compatible with inference using the CPU. That is, train a model using metal, run inference using metal, then run inference again after uninstalling metal, and the results differ -- sometimes a night and day difference. This essentially eliminates the usefulness of tensorflow-metal for me. From my limited testing, models using other, simple combinations of layer types including Dense and LSTM do not show this problem. Just the GRU. And by "testing" I mean really simple models, like one GRU layer. Apple Framework Metal Team: You are doing very useful work, and I kindly ask, please address this bug :)
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3 months before I uploaded a build 1.0(1) and had 10000(not sure why it's showing 10001) public testers via public link. Now this build has expired and I've remove all these public testers, but seems these testers are still occupying the tester slots so that new testers are not able to join test for my new uploaded build 1.0(2), showing "beta is full" to them. I've been waiting for 2 days but those removed testers are still showing in the tester list as "deleted" status and not removed. I've tried upload new builds but it didn't work, what shall I do now?
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I am trying to map the 3D skeleton joint positions of an ARBodyAnchor to the real body on the camera image. I know I could simply use the "detectedBody" of the ARFrame, which would already deliver the normalized 2D position of each joint, but what I am mostly interested in is the z-axis (the distance of each joint to the camera). I am starting a ARBodyTrackingConfiguration, setting the world alignment to ARWorldAlignmentCamera (in which case the camera transform is an identity matrix) and multiplying each joint transform in model space (via modelTransformForJointName:) with the transform of the ARBodyAnchor. And then tried many different ways to get the joints to line up with the image, by for example multiplying the transforms with the projectionMatrix of the ARCamera. But whatever I do, it never lines up correctly. For example, the doesn't really seem to be a scale factor in the projectionMatrix or the ARBodyAnchor transform, no matter the distance of the camera to the detected body, the scale of the body is always the same. Which means I am missing something important, and I haven't figured out what. So does anyone have an example of how I can get the body align to the camera image? (or get the distance to each joint in any other way?) Thanks!
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Dear Sirs, I'm writing an audio application that should show up to 128 horizontal peakmeters (width for each is about 150, height is 8) stacked inside a ScrollViewReader. For the actual value of the peakmeter I have a binding to a CGFloat value. The peakmeter works as expected and is refreshing correct. For testing I added a timer to my swift application that is firing every 0.05 secs, meaning I want to show 20 values per second. Inside the timer func I'm just creating random CGFloat values in range of 0...1 for the bound values. The peakmeters refresh and flicker as expected but I can see a CPU load of 40-50% in the activity monitor on my MacBook Air with Apple M2 even when compiled in release mode. I think this is quite high and I'd like to reduce this CPU load. Should this be possible? I.e. I thought about blocking the refresh until I've set all values? How could this be done and would it help? What else could I do? Thanks and best regards, JFreyberger
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Hi, I would like to stream live audio (hls) from watch itself, our app can start stream on paired device, but when phone is not near by i want to start streaming on watchos (just like spotify or Apple music app) I watched the 2019 wwdc video about streaming and also looked to the documentation Documentation : I can present the route controller to select output, but for example after selecting Air Podcas, stream did not start.. Here is the code: (I have enabled background mode audio) do { try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback, mode: .default, policy: .longFormAudio, options: []) } catch { print("no audiosession!") } AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().activate(options: []) { success, error in dump(success) dump(error) DispatchQueue.main.async { if let streamURL =[0] as? String { dump(streamURL) let asset = AVURLAsset(url: URL(string: streamURL)!, options: nil) let item = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset) let player = AVQueuePlayer(playerItem: item) } } }
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I try to fetch subscriptions with included relationships according to the documentation GET[ "appStoreReviewScreenshot", "group", "introductoryOffers", "offerCodes", "prices", "promotedPurchase", "promotionalOffers", "subscriptionAvailability" ] The form of include field is taken from the official OpenAPI spec In the response I get a bunch of errors What am I doing wrong? { "errors": [ { "id": "0c02ac40-47c6-4107-b725-930e938a587f", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "'[ \"appStoreReviewScreenshot\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "cf2e214a-cab7-4e63-8971-d8974b0903f6", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"group\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "56d7e72f-cf29-4fac-9456-79074e294567", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"introductoryOffers\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "abdaf783-9a95-4053-a614-bcee7aedab45", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"offerCodes\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "53270b6c-f0f5-4d18-9004-2c99ce9905bd", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"prices\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "9676075f-d2fb-493e-b093-c973e3b103d2", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"promotedPurchase\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "451dd333-1c75-4e22-90e1-40c6532fa465", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"promotionalOffers\"' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } }, { "id": "b0afb70e-ab6a-4aa3-9840-3e94844d3385", "status": "400", "code": "PARAMETER_ERROR.INVALID", "title": "A parameter has an invalid value", "detail": "' \"subscriptionAvailability\" ]' is not a valid relationship name", "source": { "parameter": "include" } } ] }
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We've released our app on the App Store and are facing the following issue: Some users are unable to connect to the server with the app, and the "Cellular Data" settings for our app are missing in the system settings. The app is developer on Qt framework ( This is how it should be This is what some users reporting - app unable to make requests to the server by https (request timeout) Why it happening? Any tips how to fix?

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