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I am trying to determine the installation source of my iOS app. According to the documentation, MarketplaceKit AppDistributor static property current should be used. But build fails due to the error 'Cannot find 'AppDistributor' in scope'. Is MarketplaceKit available for apps that install from an alternative app marketplace?
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We are using and iOS version 17.4.1 and 17.5(beta) , and when are we facing the issue for local network permission in our app. Success scenario steps: Don't allow the local network permission in our App Allow it manually in app setting for local network permission(works only in first install of the App) We are able to call the API successfully Error scenario steps: Allow the local network permission popup to app when asked for permission Call the API successfully Uninstall the app and install the same app again and don't allow the local network permission API call fail's Manually change the local network permission to allow in app settings Still the API call fails even if we allow the local network permission Conclusion : We are getting API error when re-install the app and if it is not allowed local network permission as well as when we allow the local network permission. Looks like caching issue. Note: Even if uninstall and install multiple time and allow the local network permission from 2nd time onward API keeps on failing , but these scenario work perfectly fine on iOS 16 version and below. Even the existing app stopped working after updating iOS version to 17 and above. Also we found alternatively when we uninstall the app and restart the device and install it back again it works fine for the first time as a fresh install. Additionally : We are not calling local network permission explicitly, when the API call is happening this is native popup coming on iOS
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I stopped receiving status notifications on my app. I have to contantly log to see if my app build went through review. I was getting them, and i do get them for other apps I am admin on. The one I create and manage, I’m not getting emails.
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It looks like Arabic is not supported by BetaBuildLocalizationCreateRequest Is there any way to update this localization programmatically? If not, any timeline when it will be available? The goal here is to add "What's New" notes automatically in CI
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hi, I made an interface for VPN applications for iOS, and I just need to make a connection to the protocol, I wanted to use wireguard, but I can’t do it, what can you suggest me?
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I prepare an app to migrate from ObservableObject to Observable, from EnvironmentObject to Environment(MyClass.self) and so so forth. That works OK, very simple. But, that forces to run on macOS 14 or more recent. So I would like to have it conditionally, such as: if macOS 14 available @Environment(ActiveConfiguration.self) var activeConfiguration: ActiveConfiguration otherwise @EnvironmentObject var activeConfiguration: ActiveConfiguration The same for the class declaration: if macOS 14 available @Observable class ActiveConfiguration { var config = Configuration() } otherwise class ActiveConfiguration : ObservableObject { @Published var config = Configuration() } Is there a way to achieve this (I understand it is not possible through extensions of Macros, as we can do for modifiers) ? Could I define 2 classes for ActiveConfiguration, but then what about @Environment ?
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I have managed enterprise app. universal link is working as expected from the safari but when I tried the same functionality from the managed edge browser, edge does not detect the universal link. Unable to open our managed app from the edge browser, although from the safari it's working as expected. Unable to open our managed app from the outlook/Team. although from a non-manged app, we can open our managed app. Does edge browser support universal link? iOS version : 17.4.1
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I got this SSML from w3. org. AVSpeechUtterance(ssmlRepresentation:) is not complying with the contour. It doesn't change hz. <?xml version="1.0"?> <speak version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xml:lang="en-US"> <prosody contour="(0%,+20Hz) (10%,+30%) (40%,+10Hz)"> good morning </prosody> </speak> override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() guard let localUtterance = AVSpeechUtterance(ssmlRepresentation: self.speechSML) else { print("SML did not work.") return } self.utterance = localUtterance self.utterance.voice = self.voiceNoelle } self.synthesizer.speak(self.utterance)
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For example, can I place items in vr in my living room, then walk into my bedroom and no longer see them as they are hidden behind a wall? Could I place something inside a cupboard?
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Hi all, I'm attempting to generate an XCFramework that must maintain ABI stability. The framework is created from an SPM using the attached script I does not work. Removing the flag BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES and adding the flag -allow-internal-distribution to xcodebuild -create-xcframework everything is fine. Despite this resolves the problem, it results in the generated module not being ABI stable. However, when attempting the script approach, it generates the XCFramework but when used it raises an error in arm64-apple-ios-private.swiftinterface with no such file or module as soon as it encounters an import statement for ModuleX reading it. The package structure is attached as Package.swift and te obtained result XCFramework structure is as follows: MyLibrary.xcframework ├── Info.plist ├── ios-arm64 │ └── MyLibrary.framework │ ├── Headers │ │ ├── ModuleH-Swift.h │ │ ├── ModuleH.modulemap │ │ ├── ModuleC-Swift.h │ │ ├── ModuleC.modulemap │ │ ├── ModuleA-Swift.h │ │ ├── ModuleA.modulemap │ │ ├── MyLibrary-Swift.h │ │ └── MyLibrary.modulemap │ ├── Info.plist │ ├── Modules │ │ └── MyLibrary.swiftmodule │ │ ├── arm64-apple-ios.abi.json │ │ ├── arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc │ │ └── arm64-apple-ios.swiftmodule │ └── MyLibrary └── ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator └── MyLibrary.framework ├── Headers │ ├── ModuleH-Swift.h │ ├── ModuleH.modulemap │ ├── ModuleC-Swift.h │ ├── ModuleC.modulemap │ ├── ModuleA-Swift.h │ ├── ModuleA.modulemap │ ├── MyLibrary-Swift.h │ └── MyLibrary.modulemap ├── Info.plist ├── Modules │ └── MyLibrary.swiftmodule │ ├── arm64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json │ ├── arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc │ ├── arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule │ ├── x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json │ ├── x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc │ └── x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule ├── MyLibrary └── _CodeSignature └── CodeResources It's worth mentioning that the library must be compatible with both Objective-C and Swift, and Modules A, C, and H are imported into the MyLibrary module as @_exported modules, that is why I've included the headers and module maps. What is wrong? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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Hello IOS Dev Community, I'm very new to Apple shortcuts and am on a journey to build up a series of shortcuts to make my life easier on Mac. I have Google Drive linked to Finder, then I made a program like the one below which allows me to select a destination folder in the said Drive folder and move the most recent downloaded file over. I usually start the program by typing in the spotlight search bar, but it would show this error: "ls: .: Operation not permitted" but, when I actually open the Shortcuts app and click run, it works perfectly fine, what could be the reason behind this? Thank you guys
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Hello Apple Developer Forum, I'm reaching out because I've encountered an issue with my app's implementation involving the ScrollView and the digitalCrown, and I'm hoping to find some guidance or assistance from the community. Currently, I'm developing an app where users can navigate through dates using the digitalCrown to change the "$scrollAmount", which then dynamically updates the ScrollView with events corresponding to that date. However, I've run into a problem where the ScrollView is being inadvertently scrolled by the digitalCrown every time it's initiated. Ideally, I would like to disable the digitalCrown's interaction with the ScrollView altogether, so that the ScrollView is only scrolled using touch inputs and not by the digitalCrown. I've tried several approaches to achieve this, but haven't had much success so far. Could anyone please provide some guidance or suggestions on how I can effectively disable the digitalCrown's interaction with the ScrollView while still allowing touch-based scrolling? Any help or insights into this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance for your time and assistance. Best regards, Example code: var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { HStack{ Text("\(formattedDate(for: scrollAmount, format: lineOne))") .onTapGesture { scrollAmount = 0.0 } } ScrollView{ ForEach(, id: \.event) { viewModelItem in let event = viewModelItem.event VStack { HStack { Text(event.title) } } } } .scrollDisabled(true) } } .focusable(isFocused) .digitalCrownRotation( detent: $scrollAmount, from: -365.0, through: 365.0, by: 1.0, sensitivity: .low, isContinuous: false, isHapticFeedbackEnabled: true) .onChange(of: scrollAmount) { let roundedValue = round(scrollAmount) scrollAmount = roundedValue viewModel.fetchEvents(for: scrollAmount) } } }
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The error "Address validation failed. Please update the legal entity address" is encountered when attempting to rectify the issue. However, efforts to resolve this problem lead to another issue: "We are currently unable to process your request. Please try again later."
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Hi everyone, I'm trying to make use of a background actor in my SwiftUI project. Inserting data works with the ModelContainer's mainContext. Another context in a ModelActor, however, fails to write into the same database. I verify the results by opening the SQLite file on the file system. While the mainContext.insert call does indeed insert a row into the table, the ModelActor's context fails to do so. There is no error or message received in the ModelActor. The property autosaveEnabled is set to true. I wrote a sample project to reproduce the issue in isolation. It consists of a single source file that introduces the Model ToDo, the ToDoView, initializes the ModelContainer and ModelActor. Please find the source code below. Is there any mistake in my approach? import SwiftUI import SwiftData @Model final class ToDo { let title: String init(title: String) { self.title = title } } @main struct testSwiftDataApp: App { @State var modelContainer: ModelContainer @State var backgroundData: BackgroundDataActor init() { let modelContainer: ModelContainer = try! ModelContainer(for: ToDo.self) self.modelContainer = modelContainer self.backgroundData = BackgroundDataActor( modelContainer: modelContainer ) } var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ToDoView(backgroundData: self.backgroundData) .modelContainer(modelContainer) } } } struct ToDoView: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) var modelContext @Query var todos: [ToDo] let backgroundData: BackgroundDataActor var modelContainer: ModelContainer { self.modelContext.container } var body: some View { VStack { Text("Add ToDo") TextField( "", text: .constant( "URL to database: " + "\(self.modelContainer.configurations.first!.url)" ) ) // This action will be invoked on the ModelActor's context Button { Task { let todo = ToDo(title: "Step 1") await id: todo.persistentModelID ) } } label: { Text("Create ToDo in background") } // This action will be invoked on the mainContext Button { Task { let todo = ToDo(title: "Step 2") self.modelContainer.mainContext.insert(todo) } } label: { Text("Create ToDo in foreground") } // Show the query results VStack { Text("Available ToDos") ForEach(self.todos) { Text($0.title) } } } } } @ModelActor actor BackgroundDataActor: ModelActor { func store(id: PersistentIdentifier) { print("Trying to save") print("Is auto save enabled: \(self.modelContext.autosaveEnabled)") if let dbo = self[id, as: ToDo.self] { self.modelContext.insert(dbo) try! print("Saved into database") } } }
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The WWDC23 session number 10016 is referring to a way to generate .workout files (timecode 09:43) in both binary and JSON format. Unfortunately, the API seems to have changed: CustomWorkoutComposition renamed to CustomWorkout .dataRepresentation disappeared Ideally I would like to generate .workout files directly in JSON format but there is no specifications published and no documentation to generate them. Any idea where I should look?
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hi. I've come across a UI-related bug. It's not a critical issue, but I'm curious whether it's actually a bug or an intended result. Enable "Dark Mode" on your device. Set Safari to "single tab" mode in the settings. Open the iOS browser. Switch to "Private Browsing" mode. When swiping up, the background of the top toolbar (including the status bar) becomes translucent, revealing the content behind it. When I turn on the 'Reduce Transparency' setting, the issue does not occur, and the background content remains hidden as expected. iPhone12 mini / iOS 17.0.1 thx!
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I'm working with a business who is now offering to white label their service. This will greatly benefit me and the other clients they have. Currently, they have an app that allows us to communicate with their AI directly from our phones. Now that they are offering to us to white label their services to clients of our own, we would like to white label their app as well. The developer said that he doesn't want to fight with the Apple App Review Dept. because they reject apps that are too similar. Here is my suggestion: Since there will only need to be one more app added (we will all use the same "gray-label" nondescript app), there will only be two similar apps on the App store. That's hardly spamming. We don't need to create branded apps for each of us. We all simply want to be able to use the same gray-labeled, nondescript app instead of our partner's branded app. For example: His app is App_A. We want him to create an App_B that is not branded to his or our stores, but is generic enough that we can use it with our own clients. I've read the documentation ( and many of the forums. But to be honest, it seems that the Apple App Review team arbitrarily chooses apps to approve and others to reject. Sometimes a simple icon change and the Review Team accepts. Other times, it's rejected. It doesn't seem like there is a clear distinction between who gets accepted or rejected. Still the solution which is offered by Apple App Review is to put all the apps into a container. This is not a solution as we need to direct our customers to our app, and our partner will not want to put his app into a container to share with other apps. I would like to work with someone to help push this gray-label app through. We only need one similar, gray-labeled app so that we don't have to use our partner's branded app. That will add much functionality to our offers. Plus, it will not be spam or clutter because our partner will continue to direct their clientele to their branded app, App_A, and we will all direct our clientele to the gray-label app, App_B. So there will be no confusion. I've heard of other solutions such as obfuscating the code or opening up a new developer account, as well. If there is anyway to work with a single person to help this project get pushed through, that would be very appreciated.
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Hello all, I have purchased 4 Homepod minis which update fine to public releases, I am currently on 17.4. I was testing with Apple and a patch is in the works so I wanted to test the beta software to see if it fixed my broken functionality within my homepods. The error message is "Loading failed, couldn't communicate with the helper application. The process was probably suspended before it could launch properly" from within the home application on my iPhone. I can update my other Apple devices to beta software either dev releases or public betas no problem. however, with the homepods, it just is not working. I have removed 1 of the 4 homepods hard reset it and set it up again etc to no avail. I phoned Apple support there solution was to try a different network or give it a shot on here. I will try a different network however I do not have another Apple device which can establish a new accessory to my home i.e. another iPhone or an iPad. Are there any known workarounds? I have searched previously for a solution but all I got were results relating to Xcode and people-building applications. not related specifically to the home pod or homepodOS Sorry if this has been posted in the wrong section of these forums. Thank you all for the help. Antonio.

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